Article archive
10/11/2017 20:00
Les artistes du Cercle d'Art de Crainhem
De kunstenaars vande Kunstkring Kraainem
Château Jourdain, Castle of Kraainem
Chemin Du Château 4, Kasteelweg 4,
1950 Crainhem
VERNISSAGE 10.11.2017 at 20.00 o'clock
Open 11-12.11.2017 and 18-19.11.2017 (11am-18pm)
07/11/2017 19:16
Embassy of Finland, Brussels, Belgium
16/09/2017 00:00
An art exhibition with HIAA, Helsinki International Artists' Association's artists at Red Conception Gallery, Helsinki, Finland.
09/05/2017 00:00
Art pieces by two finnish female artists, Mirja Gustafsson and Kirsi Syrlin. The main treasury for their art is Finland’s pure, beautiful nature and the equality and independence of the finnish woman. In this exhibition, the colorful world and the power of shape sing together with two artists, two...
21/03/2017 19:54
We have got this wonderful list of patronesses into our next exhibition, TOGETHER. Feeling so grateful and honored that you all are our patronesses: Henna Virkkunen, Miapetra Kumpula-Natri, Anneli Jäätteenmäki, Merja Kyllönen, Pirkko Ruohonen-Lerner and Katri Oldendorff.
13/02/2017 20:30
Art Exhibition
Gallery Au Fond du Bois
Brusselsesteenweg 49,
3080 Tervuren,
Open every day:
10.00-12.00 and
13.00-18.00 o’clock
21/05/2016 15:57
I have a pleasure to invite all art lovers to see my latest paintings in the beautiful Castle of Kraainem. This exhibition is quite an interesting one, over 80 local artists are participating! So, come and enjoy the atmosphere.
21.5.2016 14.00-18.00
22.5.2016 11.00-18.00
Chateau Jourdain, Avenue...
21/05/2016 00:00
I have a pleasure to invite all art lovers to see my latest paintings in the beautiful Castle of Kraainem. This exhibition is quite an interesting one, over 80 local artists are participating! So, come and enjoy the atmosphere.
21.5.2016 14.00-18.00
22.5.2016 11.00-18.00
Chateau Jourdain, Avenue...
07/11/2015 00:00
Dora Azzouz,
Anu Eskelin,
Tipi Ilmonen,
Teija Kosenius,
Nina Krupskaya,
Elisa Haapasalo,
Oili Ollanketo,
Kati Parvia,
Kirsi Syrlin,
Ritva Valta.
23/10/2015 18:42
The art exhibition "The extreme days of the colour scales".
At the Gallery Fogga,
Pohjoisranta 8 B
00170 Helsinki
The Gallery fogga is open:
from tuesdays to thursdays 11-18,
fridays 11-17,
saturdays 12-16,
sundays 12-15,
mondays closed.
Items: 11 - 20 of 22